Elementary CHARGE (+ OR -), {e}.
(too old to reply)
brian a m stuckless
2006-02-16 17:28:20 UTC
1. Elementary CHARGE (i.e. Amp*sec), {e} ..mathematically speaking:
$$ _ _ _ _ _
$$ / (C_2)^2
$$ (+ OR -) Elementary CHARGE {e} = (+ OR -), / -- --- --
$$ /\/ c^4 ,.
$$ ..Where, C_2 is the Standard SI, '2nd Radiation Constant'.

2. Because the Coulomb FORCE, F_c (..GUESS-iSS-CORRECTED, version):
$$ k_c*(q1*q2)
$$ (+ OR -) Coulomb FORCE, F_c = -- -- - -- --
$$ (n_c - 1)*r^2,.
$$ ..k_c is Coulomb's Constant.
$$ ..(n_c - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ ..Note a SPREAD of 2 for n_c=1 & n_c=2 , between (+ AND -), F_c.

3. Finally, note.. Gravitational FORCE, m1*g (GUESS-iSS-CORRECTED):
$$ G*(M1*m1)
$$ (+ OR -) Gravitational FORCE, m1*g = -- -- -- --
$$ (n - 1)*r^2,.
$$ ..G is the Gravitational Constant.
$$ ..(n - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ ..Note a SPREAD of 2 for n=1 and n=2 , between (+ AND -), m1*g.
$$ ..Note the GUESS iSS Standard + is OUTgoing, and - is iNcoming.

4. Clearly, (n - 1) & (n_c - 1), are Fine AMBiENT MEDiA Variables.

Coulomb's UNmodified FORCE equation has .."ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.
Newton's UNmodified FORCE equation has an "ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.

Hope this helps, ```Brian.

Sue... wrote: > > Hexenmeister wrote: -=- I can still remember, -=-
"It seems that some essentially new physical ideas are here needed."
' - Feynman. -=-
Your idea of an electron is a little [POiNT] ball with a minus
sign written on the side and radial arrows sticking out of it in
all directions that you call "charge". -=- > > Androcles > Sue...
$$ [Brackets mine].
Re: propogation of light.
Re: Elementary CHARGE (+ OR -), {e}.
brian a m stuckless
2006-02-17 16:12:08 UTC
[New NOTEs]; Sue... wrote: > brian a m stuckless wrote: [..Edited].

[NOTE a SPREAD of 2, for n=0 and n=2, between the (+ AND -) FORCEs].
Elementary charge pair e+ e- > 0.511 MeV x 2
$$ You LEFT OUT proton (Mine e+ e+, p+ e-, e+ e-, e- e-). ```Brian.
< http://www.rwc.uc.edu/koehler/biophys.2ed/fields.html >
<< This plot illustrates the electrical potential and field lines
of a [SPECiAL] dipole: a pair of charges with equal magnitude but
opposite sign. Here, the positive charge is on the left, and the
field lines exit it and enter the negative charge on the right. >>
$$ _ _ _ _ _
$$ / (C_2)^2
$$ (+ OR -) Elementary CHARGE {e} = (+ OR -), / -- --- --
$$ /\/ c^4 ,.
$$ ..Where, C_2 is the Standard SI, '2nd Radiation Constant'.

2. BECAUSE the Coulomb FORCE, F_c (..GUESS-iSS-CORRECTED, version):
$$ k_c*(q1*q2)
$$ (+ OR -) Coulomb FORCE, F_c = -- -- - -- --
$$ (n_c - 1)*r^2,.
$$ k_c is Coulomb's Constant.
$$ (n_c - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ Note a SPREAD of 2 for n_c=0 & n_c=2 , between (+ AND -), F_c.

3. Finally, note.. Gravitational FORCE, m1*g (GUESS-iSS-CORRECTED):
$$ G*(M1*m1)
$$ (+ OR -) Gravitational FORCE, m1*g = -- -- -- --
$$ (n - 1)*r^2,.
$$ G is the Gravitational Constant.
$$ (n - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ Note a SPREAD of 2 for n=0 and n=2 , between (+ AND -), m1*g.

$$ Note the GUESS iSS Standard + is OUTgoing, and - is iNcoming.
<< The electric fields due to multiple sources superpose,
as do the forces they exert on a test charge. But because the
electric field has direction, the computation of the superposed
field must be done using components: >>
$$ OFFiCiALLY an electron has NO scientific reason for "FLOATiNG".
Why is the sky blue? :o) > > Sue... > > >
4. Clearly, (n - 1) & (n_c - 1) are Finer AMBiENT MEDiA Variables.

Coulomb's UNmodified FORCE equation has .."ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.
Newton's UNmodified FORCE equation has NO "ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.
Newton's UNmodified FORCE equation DOEs NOT HAVE a Change-of-SiGN.
Gravitational Forces
<< [F_c] = G m1 m2 / [n - 1]*r2. ..[Brackets mine ```Brian].
$$ GUESS iSS, G_relative = G_absolute / G = 1 / (n - 1) = Gr.
Note that gravitational forces are always attractive, -=-
No ..NOT "as-measured". Take bobbing Air-ships, for example:
MEASUREMENTs of g for an air-ship gives (+ AND -), g-FORCEs.
-=- since mass is always positive.
No. The SiGNETiC mass mS is mD - m1 and mS is 0, @ BUOYANCY.
Where n = mD / m1 = 1, @ BUOYANCY in Weightless equilibrium.
Since (n - 1) = 0 = (mD - m1) / m1, @ BUOYANCY ..in AMBiENT.

$$ Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass is CALCULATED, NOT REAL.
Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass CAN be *NEGATiVE*, also.
Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass is NOT ALSO a REAL mass.
In exactly the same way [ANALOGY] as with the electric field, we
can define a gravitational [g] field whose units are N / kg. >>
$$ The units of G ATTRACTiON are, m^3/kg*(sec)^2 = m^3/kg/(sec)^2.
$$ The units of g ACCELERATiON are, m/(sec)^2. [Brackets mine].

$$ The Newton & Coulomb are both REDUNDANT units.
DoN'T keep TRYing to UNnecessarily COMPLiCATE what is SiMPLiFiED.

$$ As scientists, with our EQUATiONs, we equate BOTH sides AT ONCE.
[Of course, it's NOT clear HOW to see THAT affects wiggle delay].
$$ Try, (the SEPARATED TRAVELED distance d) / (DURATiON, t2 - t1)
= (the TRAVELED PATH Length) / (TRAVEL Time)
= the LiGHT speed v (c's a MATHEMATiCAL constant).

$$ Feynman's MENTAL ideas areN'T "physical".
Sue... wrote: > Hexenmeister wrote: -=- I can still remember,
"It seems that some essentially new physical ideas are here
needed."' - Feynman. -=-
Your idea of an electron is a little [POiNT] ball with a
minus sign written on the side and radial arrows sticking
out of it in all directions that you call "charge".
Androcles > Sue... > > $$ [Brackets mine].
Go-go Google GROUP SEARCH < My BiGGER bang.!! >< ascii iSS GUESS >.

CLOSE: Brian A M Stuckless, over over over & OUT.
$$ ^.
GUESS (RESTmass)*c^4=(iNTRiNSiC energy e)*c^2=(mol part)*K*Volt*meter.
$$ < The STANDARD set. >
Re: Elementary CHARGE (+ OR -), {e}.
Re: Feynman's MENTAL ideas areN'T "physical".
Billy H
2006-02-19 19:21:05 UTC
Post by brian a m stuckless
[New NOTEs]; Sue... wrote: > brian a m stuckless wrote: [..Edited].
[NOTE a SPREAD of 2, for n=0 and n=2, between the (+ AND -) FORCEs].
Elementary charge pair e+ e- > 0.511 MeV x 2
$$ You LEFT OUT proton (Mine e+ e+, p+ e-, e+ e-, e- e-). ```Brian.
< http://www.rwc.uc.edu/koehler/biophys.2ed/fields.html >
<< This plot illustrates the electrical potential and field lines
of a [SPECiAL] dipole: a pair of charges with equal magnitude but
opposite sign. Here, the positive charge is on the left, and the
field lines exit it and enter the negative charge on the right. >>
$$ _ _ _ _ _
$$ / (C_2)^2
$$ (+ OR -) Elementary CHARGE {e} = (+ OR -), / -- --- --
$$ /\/ c^4 ,.
$$ ..Where, C_2 is the Standard SI, '2nd Radiation Constant'.
$$ k_c*(q1*q2)
$$ (+ OR -) Coulomb FORCE, F_c = -- -- - -- --
$$ (n_c - 1)*r^2,.
$$ k_c is Coulomb's Constant.
$$ (n_c - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ Note a SPREAD of 2 for n_c=0 & n_c=2 , between (+ AND -), F_c.
$$ G*(M1*m1)
$$ (+ OR -) Gravitational FORCE, m1*g = -- -- -- --
$$ (n - 1)*r^2,.
$$ G is the Gravitational Constant.
$$ (n - 1) is a GUESS iSS, 'Finer STRUCTURE Variable'.
$$ Note a SPREAD of 2 for n=0 and n=2 , between (+ AND -), m1*g.
$$ Note the GUESS iSS Standard + is OUTgoing, and - is iNcoming.
<< The electric fields due to multiple sources superpose,
as do the forces they exert on a test charge. But because the
electric field has direction, the computation of the superposed
field must be done using components: >>
$$ OFFiCiALLY an electron has NO scientific reason for "FLOATiNG".
Why is the sky blue? :o) > > Sue... > > >
'Cos they put the porn channel on it.

Post by brian a m stuckless
4. Clearly, (n - 1) & (n_c - 1) are Finer AMBiENT MEDiA Variables.
Coulomb's UNmodified FORCE equation has .."ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.
Newton's UNmodified FORCE equation has NO "ad-hoc" Change-of-SiGN.
Newton's UNmodified FORCE equation DOEs NOT HAVE a Change-of-SiGN.
Gravitational Forces
<< [F_c] = G m1 m2 / [n - 1]*r2. ..[Brackets mine ```Brian].
$$ GUESS iSS, G_relative = G_absolute / G = 1 / (n - 1) = Gr.
Note that gravitational forces are always attractive, -=-
MEASUREMENTs of g for an air-ship gives (+ AND -), g-FORCEs.
-=- since mass is always positive.
$$ Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass is CALCULATED, NOT REAL.
Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass CAN be *NEGATiVE*, also.
Note a DiFFERENCE between REAL mass is NOT ALSO a REAL mass.
In exactly the same way [ANALOGY] as with the electric field, we
can define a gravitational [g] field whose units are N / kg. >>
$$ The units of G ATTRACTiON are, m^3/kg*(sec)^2 = m^3/kg/(sec)^2.
$$ The units of g ACCELERATiON are, m/(sec)^2. [Brackets mine].
$$ The Newton & Coulomb are both REDUNDANT units.
DoN'T keep TRYing to UNnecessarily COMPLiCATE what is SiMPLiFiED.
$$ As scientists, with our EQUATiONs, we equate BOTH sides AT ONCE.
[Of course, it's NOT clear HOW to see THAT affects wiggle delay].
$$ Try, (the SEPARATED TRAVELED distance d) / (DURATiON, t2 - t1)
= (the TRAVELED PATH Length) / (TRAVEL Time)
= the LiGHT speed v (c's a MATHEMATiCAL constant).
$$ Feynman's MENTAL ideas areN'T "physical".
Sue... wrote: > Hexenmeister wrote: -=- I can still remember,
"It seems that some essentially new physical ideas are here
needed."' - Feynman. -=-
Your idea of an electron is a little [POiNT] ball with a
minus sign written on the side and radial arrows sticking
out of it in all directions that you call "charge".
Androcles > Sue... > > $$ [Brackets mine].
Go-go Google GROUP SEARCH < My BiGGER bang.!! >< ascii iSS GUESS >.
CLOSE: Brian A M Stuckless, over over over & OUT.
$$ ^.
GUESS (RESTmass)*c^4=(iNTRiNSiC energy e)*c^2=(mol part)*K*Volt*meter.
$$ < The STANDARD set. >
Re: Elementary CHARGE (+ OR -), {e}.
Re: Feynman's MENTAL ideas areN'T "physical".
Billy H
2006-02-19 19:22:09 UTC
Could someon please tell me where this entire thread can be found?
Billy H

With a blob of grease here and a bit of weld under there.
If you don't do it right it'll fall apart next year.
When your foot goes through the floor, and the skin falls of the door,
When your Weals fall off, it'll make you Mohr than cough.
It's dead fright'ning.