brian a m stuckless
2005-11-20 16:59:33 UTC
There are NO arbitrary fundamental physical constants of NATURE, now.
SI GUESS iSS units are meter, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin & Mol.
Re: (PLANCK mass Mp)*lp = {mph}*ls = me*wls = hbar / c = m1*rA / nA
Moo Moo*loo hbar G*Mp^2 G*M1*m1
= -- -- -- = -- - -- = ---- = --- -- = -- -- --- -- --
4*pi*Roo 4*pi c c^2 nA*(n - 1)*v1^2
G*Mp*{mph} m1*rA (h + 2*hbar) k*{e}
= -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- = -- -- = -- --- -- -- = -- --
4*(pi)^2*nA*(n - 1)*v1^2 nA Ra*c 2*pi
m1*(wavelength wl) m1*c me*wlc Planck's h eH*loo
= -- -- --- -- -- -- = -- - -- = --- -- = -- -- -- -- = -- - --
2*pi*nL 2*pi*fL 2*pi 2*pi*c 4*pi*c^2.
Maxwell's authentic equations applied ONLY between FLAT PLATEs.!!
But that doesn't matter for a point-ONLY on a WORLD-line in GR.!!
A WORLD-point in SPACE-time has NO iNSiDE, or OUTside, ANYways.!!
The SHORTEST GR-geodesic iN the SPACE ON the SURFACE of the POiNT
ON a WORLD-line in GR SPACE-time is NOT UNCLE AL's "other, LONGER
way round" GR-geodesic. Go go Google GROUP SEARCH My BiGGER bang.
Autymn D. C. wrote: > > brian a m stuckless wrote: > > Sue... wrote:
Ken S. Tucker wrote: > Hi Sue, mostly agree with you...
wrote: > > > > > > > FrediFizzx wrote: > > > > > > "Jay R. Yablon"
Since "force" x DiSTANCE = "energy exchange" ("force" isn't "energy
exchange" EVEN if "viewed with a CAUTiON", MAY be WHY Sue said SO).
The GUESS iSS SERiAL index of OBSERVED scale-invariance, follows...
The NEW SI GUESS iSS STATiSTiCAL system of SCALE-invariance:
(h + 2*hbar) (pi + 1) (X + 2*Y)
-- -- -- -- = -- --- = -- -- -- = STATiSTiCAL *tensors* ;
h pi X
nL*(h + nA*hbar) nL*(2*pi + nA) nL*(X + nA*Y)
-- -- -- -- -- = -- -- --- -- = -- --- -- -- = nL*Ni.
h 2*pi X
Planck scale ; LOCAL scale ; Each WAY, and BEYOND.!!
So, NATURE doesn't CARE, if we have COHERENT SI STANDARDs.!!
Therefore, AS per WiTH the BOHR Atom, "AS above SO below".!!
G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls^3 2*pi*ls
-- ---- -- = -- -- -- - -- -- -- = me*(-- --- --)^2*wls .!!
(n - 1) ts^2 ts
brian a m stuckless
SI GUESS iSS units are meter, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin & Mol.
Re: (PLANCK mass Mp)*lp = {mph}*ls = me*wls = hbar / c = m1*rA / nA
Moo Moo*loo hbar G*Mp^2 G*M1*m1
= -- -- -- = -- - -- = ---- = --- -- = -- -- --- -- --
4*pi*Roo 4*pi c c^2 nA*(n - 1)*v1^2
G*Mp*{mph} m1*rA (h + 2*hbar) k*{e}
= -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- = -- -- = -- --- -- -- = -- --
4*(pi)^2*nA*(n - 1)*v1^2 nA Ra*c 2*pi
m1*(wavelength wl) m1*c me*wlc Planck's h eH*loo
= -- -- --- -- -- -- = -- - -- = --- -- = -- -- -- -- = -- - --
2*pi*nL 2*pi*fL 2*pi 2*pi*c 4*pi*c^2.
Maxwell's authentic equations applied ONLY between FLAT PLATEs.!!
But that doesn't matter for a point-ONLY on a WORLD-line in GR.!!
A WORLD-point in SPACE-time has NO iNSiDE, or OUTside, ANYways.!!
The SHORTEST GR-geodesic iN the SPACE ON the SURFACE of the POiNT
ON a WORLD-line in GR SPACE-time is NOT UNCLE AL's "other, LONGER
way round" GR-geodesic. Go go Google GROUP SEARCH My BiGGER bang.
<> >><> >><> >><> >><>
Ken S. Tucker wrote: > Hi Sue, mostly agree with you...
Sue... wrote: > > Ken S. Tucker wrote: > > > Ken S. Tucker
Stop cascading or, if I ever find you, I'll beat your head in.
Greek YAB-a-dab-a-Sue-doo, mu*eps, in SI GUESS= Uo*Eo = 1 / c^2.$ 3*VOLUME / AREA, per DURATiON = RADiAL velocity.!!
Delta VOLUME / surface AREA, per second = RADiAL DiSTANCE / 3*sec.
Unit TRiAKiSicosa VOLUME / (surf AREA*sec) is TiP-to-TiP / 6*sec.
Unit SPHERiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*sec) is, DiAMETER / 6*sec.
Unit CUBiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*second) = EDGEside / 6*sec.
GRAViTATiONAL impulse per VOLUME; iNERTiAL impulse, per AREA.
No, they're not. You need more subscripts. You should also readDelta VOLUME / surface AREA, per second = RADiAL DiSTANCE / 3*sec.
Unit TRiAKiSicosa VOLUME / (surf AREA*sec) is TiP-to-TiP / 6*sec.
Unit SPHERiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*sec) is, DiAMETER / 6*sec.
Unit CUBiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*second) = EDGEside / 6*sec.
GRAViTATiONAL impulse per VOLUME; iNERTiAL impulse, per AREA.
The force between two charges and the force between
two masses represents no energy exchange.
two masses represents no energy exchange.
exchange" EVEN if "viewed with a CAUTiON", MAY be WHY Sue said SO).
The GUESS iSS SERiAL index of OBSERVED scale-invariance, follows...
The NEW SI GUESS iSS STATiSTiCAL system of SCALE-invariance:
(h + 2*hbar) (pi + 1) (X + 2*Y)
-- -- -- -- = -- --- = -- -- -- = STATiSTiCAL *tensors* ;
h pi X
nL*(h + nA*hbar) nL*(2*pi + nA) nL*(X + nA*Y)
-- -- -- -- -- = -- -- --- -- = -- --- -- -- = nL*Ni.
h 2*pi X
Planck scale ; LOCAL scale ; Each WAY, and BEYOND.!!
So, NATURE doesn't CARE, if we have COHERENT SI STANDARDs.!!
Therefore, AS per WiTH the BOHR Atom, "AS above SO below".!!
G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls^3 2*pi*ls
-- ---- -- = -- -- -- - -- -- -- = me*(-- --- --)^2*wls .!!
(n - 1) ts^2 ts
brian a m stuckless
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no caution > > -Aut.