AS above SO below.
(too old to reply)
brian a m stuckless
2005-11-20 16:59:33 UTC
There are NO arbitrary fundamental physical constants of NATURE, now.
SI GUESS iSS units are meter, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin & Mol.

Re: (PLANCK mass Mp)*lp = {mph}*ls = me*wls = hbar / c = m1*rA / nA

Moo Moo*loo hbar G*Mp^2 G*M1*m1
= -- -- -- = -- - -- = ---- = --- -- = -- -- --- -- --
4*pi*Roo 4*pi c c^2 nA*(n - 1)*v1^2

G*Mp*{mph} m1*rA (h + 2*hbar) k*{e}
= -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- = -- -- = -- --- -- -- = -- --
4*(pi)^2*nA*(n - 1)*v1^2 nA Ra*c 2*pi

m1*(wavelength wl) m1*c me*wlc Planck's h eH*loo
= -- -- --- -- -- -- = -- - -- = --- -- = -- -- -- -- = -- - --
2*pi*nL 2*pi*fL 2*pi 2*pi*c 4*pi*c^2.

Maxwell's authentic equations applied ONLY between FLAT PLATEs.!!
But that doesn't matter for a point-ONLY on a WORLD-line in GR.!!
A WORLD-point in SPACE-time has NO iNSiDE, or OUTside, ANYways.!!
The SHORTEST GR-geodesic iN the SPACE ON the SURFACE of the POiNT
ON a WORLD-line in GR SPACE-time is NOT UNCLE AL's "other, LONGER
way round" GR-geodesic. Go go Google GROUP SEARCH My BiGGER bang.
<> >><> >><> >><> >><>
Autymn D. C. wrote: > > brian a m stuckless wrote: > > Sue... wrote:
Ken S. Tucker wrote: > Hi Sue, mostly agree with you...
Sue... wrote: > > Ken S. Tucker wrote: > > > Ken S. Tucker
wrote: > > > > > > > FrediFizzx wrote: > > > > > > "Jay R. Yablon"
Stop cascading or, if I ever find you, I'll beat your head in.
Greek YAB-a-dab-a-Sue-doo, mu*eps, in SI GUESS= Uo*Eo = 1 / c^2.
$ 3*VOLUME / AREA, per DURATiON = RADiAL velocity.!!
Delta VOLUME / surface AREA, per second = RADiAL DiSTANCE / 3*sec.
Unit TRiAKiSicosa VOLUME / (surf AREA*sec) is TiP-to-TiP / 6*sec.
Unit SPHERiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*sec) is, DiAMETER / 6*sec.
Unit CUBiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*second) = EDGEside / 6*sec.
GRAViTATiONAL impulse per VOLUME; iNERTiAL impulse, per AREA.
No, they're not. You need more subscripts. You should also read
The force between two charges and the force between
two masses represents no energy exchange.
Since "force" x DiSTANCE = "energy exchange" ("force" isn't "energy
exchange" EVEN if "viewed with a CAUTiON", MAY be WHY Sue said SO).

The GUESS iSS SERiAL index of OBSERVED scale-invariance, follows...

The NEW SI GUESS iSS STATiSTiCAL system of SCALE-invariance:

(h + 2*hbar) (pi + 1) (X + 2*Y)
-- -- -- -- = -- --- = -- -- -- = STATiSTiCAL *tensors* ;
h pi X

nL*(h + nA*hbar) nL*(2*pi + nA) nL*(X + nA*Y)
-- -- -- -- -- = -- -- --- -- = -- --- -- -- = nL*Ni.
h 2*pi X

Planck scale ; LOCAL scale ; Each WAY, and BEYOND.!!

So, NATURE doesn't CARE, if we have COHERENT SI STANDARDs.!!

Therefore, AS per WiTH the BOHR Atom, "AS above SO below".!!

G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls^3 2*pi*ls
-- ---- -- = -- -- -- - -- -- -- = me*(-- --- --)^2*wls .!!
(n - 1) ts^2 ts

brian a m stuckless
<> >><> >><> >><> >><>
no caution > > -Aut.
brian a m stuckless
2005-11-22 23:09:15 UTC
SI GUESS iSS units are meter, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin & Mol.
[There are NO ARBiTRARY fundamental physical CONSTANTs of NATURE.]

Re: (PLANCK mass Mp)*lp = {mph}*ls = me*wls = hbar / c = m1*rA / nA ;

Moo Moo*loo hbar G*Mp^2 G*M1*m1 MagFlux #*{e}
= -- -- -- = -- - -- = ---- = --- -- = -- -- --- -- -- = -- -- -- --
4*pi*Roo 4*pi c c^2 nA*(n - 1)*v1^2 pi*c

G*Mp*{mph} m1*rA (h + 2*hbar) k*{e} eH*lo
= -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- = -- -- = -- --- -- -- = ----- = -----
4*(pi)^2*nA*(n - 1)*v1^2 nA Ra*c 2*pi pi*c^2

m1*(wavelength wl) m1*c me*wlc Planck's h eH*loo
= -- -- --- -- -- -- = -- - -- = --- -- = -- -- -- -- = -- --- --
2*pi*nL 2*pi*fL 2*pi 2*pi*c 4*pi*c^2.

Maxwell's authentic equations applied ONLY between FLAT PLATEs.!!

$ 3*VOLUME / AREA, per DURATiON = RADiAL velocity.!!
Delta VOLUME / surface AREA, per second = RADiAL DiSTANCE / 3*sec.
Unit TRiAKiSicosa VOLUME / (surf AREA*sec) is TiP-to-TiP / 6*sec.
Unit SPHERiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*sec) is, DiAMETER / 6*sec.
Unit CUBiCAL VOLUME / (surface AREA*second) = EDGEside / 6*sec.

GRAViTATiONAL impulse, per VOLUME; iNERTiAL impulse, per AREA.

$ The NEW SI GUESS iSS STATiSTiCAL system of SCALE-invariance:

(h + 2*hbar) (pi + 1) (X + 2*Y)
-- -- -- -- = -- --- = -- -- -- = STATiSTiCAL *tensors* ;
h pi X

nL*(h + nA*hbar) nL*(2*pi + nA) nL*(X + nA*Y)
-- -- -- -- -- = -- -- --- -- = -- --- -- -- = nL*Ni.
h 2*pi X

Planck scale ; LOCAL scale ; Each WAY, and BEYOND.!!

THEREfore, as per WiTH the BOHR atom, "AS above SO below".!!

G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls^3 4*(pi)^2*me*wls*ls^2
-- ---- -- = -- -- -- - -- -- -- = -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .!!
(n - 1) ts^2 ts^2

G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls^3 4*(pi)^2*Mp*lp*ls^2
-- ---- -- = -- -- --- --- -- -- = -- --- --- -- -- -- ..!!
(n - 1) ts^2 ts^2

G*{mph)*Mp 4*(pi)^2*{mph}*ls*c^2 4*(pi)^2*Mp*lp*c^2
-- ---- -- = -- -- --- --- -- -- = -- --- -- - -- -- -- .!!
(n - 1) 1 1

GUESS, (n -1) ..in the event mass m1, at rA, has a CAViTY.!!

G*M1 / (n - 1)*r1 = (vescape)^2 / 2*(n - 1) = r1*g = v1^2.!!

GUESS iSS, (PHASE vp)*(GROUP vg) .. .. .. .. ..velocities:
= (vx + vy)*vg = vp*vg = (REFERENCE velocity)^2
= (SECOND RADiATiON constant C_2 ..C2) / {e} = c^2
= h*fL / m1
= k*{e}*fL*c / m1
= 2*#*{e}*fL / m1
= fL*wl*c / nL
= 2*pi*fL*rA*c / nA
= h*fL*rA*c^2 / nA*G*(Mp)^2
= h*fL*rA / nA*Mp*lp
= h*fL*rA / nA*me*wls
= 2*pi*h*fL*rA / nA*me*wlc
= 4*pi*h*fL*rA / nA*Moo*loo
= h*fL*rA / nA*{mph}*ls
= h*fL*v1^2 / nA*{mph}*ls*g
= h*fL*v1^2 / nA*{mph}*ls*g
= h*fL*(vescape)^2 / 2*(n - 1)*nA*{mph}*ls*g
= Na*(mol part) / Uo*Eo*Mol
= no*vm*(mol part) / Uo*Eo*Mol
= Ra*(mol part) / Uo*Eo*Mol*k
= F*(mol part) / Uo*Eo*Mol*{e}.

Note the GUESS icon # is the *email text* MAGNETiC flux quantum.
$ MAGNETiC flux quantum # times electroCHARGE {e} equals pi*hbar;
Which equals, pi*Qx^4 / 10^5 ..or, pi*Qx*J*sec / 10^25*("e")^4;
a. Where the STEFAN BOLTZMANN constant, Qx, is non-dimensional;
b. Fundamental physical constant ("e"), NATURAL logarithm base.

$ NATURE doesn't care we have coherent GUESS iSS STANDARDs.
$ Go go Google GROUP SEARCH < My BiGGER bang.!! >.
brian a m stuckless
$ ^
$ iNTRiNSiC ENERGY e=RESTmass*c^2=(mol part)*K*Volt*length/c^2.
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$ /\ - O - _ .- _..-_/ / ((.'
$ \/ / \ ((,.-' ((,/ By: Toe.!
$ By deeds you know them.!! >><> >><> >><> >><> >><>
Re: THAT IAM circumcising the FORESKiNs of your hearts.!!
____ _ _ _ _
| _ \ | | ___ _ __ | | __ | | | |
| |_) | | | / _ \ | '_ \ | |/ / | | | |
My BiG | __/ | | | (_) | | | | | | < _ |_| |_|
|_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_|\_\ (_) (_) (_)

