Potential energy and relativity
(too old to reply)
brian a m stuckless
2007-05-08 00:25:11 UTC
#5 HOW alpha emission decreases "lifetime"
$$ |Alpha RADiATiON + Gibbs free energy| = 0 = |2*eV + eG|.
Gibbs FREE triple-point POTENTiAL energy eG
The Gibbs FREE energy POTENTiAL eG remains CONSTANT in a
REVERSABLE, iSOTHERMAL,iSOBARiC process. Gibbs function,
eG = eM + eV ..has the SAME VALUE for ANY two PHASEs of
a substance which are in EQUiLiBRiUM (..in fact, for ALL
See, REST-potential eM + KiNETiC-potential eV = Gibbs eG.
Gibbs POTENTiAL energy eG is FREE at equilibrium TRiPLE-POiNT;
[But Stuckless eB & Helmholtz eF are ENTROPY canonical conjugates].
eB & eF conjugate at 'FiXED' degreeT and 'CAN be', at Entropy [S].
LaGrangian L = iNTRiNSiC eM - Helmholtz eF = eM - eF
= Stuckless eB - REST eM = eB - eM
= Entropy [S]*degT = [S]*degT
= Enthalpy E - Gibbs eG = E - eG
= Kinetic eK - Maxwell eV = eK - eV
= (m1*v1^2/2)*{(m1/M) + 1} = h*fL
= (h*fL + nA*hbar*fA) / Ni = L.
Analytical-UNiT-defined mass h/(wl*c)=m1 isN'T GR-allowed.
NUMBER is mass and h*fL/(nL*c^2) VARiEs with FREQUENCY fL.
So GR changed it's definition REST-mass to "mass-is-mass".
$$ [YET there isN'T even ANY EQUATABLE mass, in GR, to DATE].
[(Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E - KiNETiC eK)/c^2 = 1*m_o -> Kg].
Changing GR-mass definition defied H&L UNiFiCATiON intent.
FiNE variable, alpha a = 4*pi*ao*Roo = (mp - u)/u = (n - 1).
$$ Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E = LaGrangian L + (REST eM + LaGrange eP)
= LaGrangian L + (Gibbs FREE energy eG)
= [ [S]*degT + ( eP_H + eP_L )]
= [ h*fL + ( mo*c^2 + nA*hbar*fA )].
Ra Na*h L h*fL 2*Na*Mq eK
ENTROPY [S] = -- = -------- = ---- = ---- = ------- = -------
Ni Ni*{e}*c degT degT Ni*c Ni*degT.
|2*eV + eG| = 0 = |(<- Alpha RADiATiON ->) + (Gibbs free energy)|
= |3*eV + eM| = 0 = |( 2*eV ) + ( eM + eV )|.
< Magnetic Flux quantum Mq > >>< alt.sci.nanotech > #5 RePOST.
"iNSTANTANEOUS -- GR spatial coordinate-changes".
Potential energy is a classical concept not applicable to
relativity because the potential function depends on spatial
coordinates - change the position of the source of the
potential and instantaneously the potential function changes
implying the force changes instantaneously.
$$ Ass backwards before the cart.
$$ ___^__\______/
$$ _____/\/\____O__O_______
$$ Cart before the horse.

$$ Wavelength wl STOPs changing when GR observer STOPs slowing down.
$$ [Wavelength change iNSTANTANEOUS as observer STOPs slowing down].
So, if you can "change -- position -- iNSTANTANEOUSLY" ..WHY not
let GR ALLOW some "potential function" to iNSTANTANEOUSLY, ALSO.
Obviously ..if you can "iNSTANTANEOUSLY -- change the position",
then you are also "implying the force changes, iNSTANTANEOUSLY".
[ORDiNARY 'changes of position" imply ORDiNARY "force changes"].
Your PROBLEM is "iNSTANTANEOUS" GR-"spatial coordinate-changes".
<> >><> Re: Potential energy and relativity >><> #5 RePOST.
brian a m stuckless
2007-05-09 11:32:57 UTC
#8 HOW alpha-emission causes 'half-life' ageing.
|Alpha RADiATiON + Gibbs free energy| = 0 = |2*eV + eG|.
Gibbs FREE triple-point POTENTiAL energy eG
The Gibbs FREE energy POTENTiAL eG remains CONSTANT in a
REVERSABLE, iSOTHERMAL,iSOBARiC process. Gibbs function,
eG = eM + eV ..has the SAME VALUE for ANY two PHASEs of
a substance which are in EQUiLiBRiUM (..in fact, for ALL
See, REST-potential eM + KiNETiC-potential eV = Gibbs eG.
$$ BULLET "stores" kinetic-POTENTiAL til 'bullet-hits-the-bone'.!!

$$ Stuckless eB & Helmholtz eF are ENTROPY canonical conjugates.!!
$$ CONjUGATE at degT, eB & eF 'CAN-be SO', at FiXED Entropy [S].!!
LaGrangian L = iNTRiNSiC eM - Helmholtz eF = eM - eF
= Stuckless eB - REST eM = eB - eM
= Entropy [S]*degT = [S]*degT
= Enthalpy E - Gibbs eG = E - eG
= Kinetic eK - Maxwell eV = eK - eV
= (m1*v1^2/2)*{(m1/M) + 1} = h*fL
= (h*fL + nA*hbar*fA) / Ni = L.
Note this includes all isothermal elastic-POTENTiAL-delay.
Analytical-UNiT-defined mass h/(wl*c)=m1 isN'T GR-allowed.
NUMBER is mass and h*fL/(nL*c^2) VARiEs with FREQUENCY fL.
[(Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E - KiNETiC eK)/c^2 = 1*m_o -> Kg].
Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E = LaGrangian L + (REST eM + LaGrange eP)
= LaGrangian L + (Gibbs FREE energy eG)
= [ [S]*degT + ( eP_H + eP_L )]
= [ h*fL + ( mo*c^2 + nA*hbar*fA )].
Ra Na*h L h*fL 2*Na*Mq eK
ENTROPY [S] = -- = -------- = ---- = ---- = ------- = -------
Ni Ni*{e}*c degT degT Ni*c Ni*degT.
| G*M*m1 | | m1*(vescape)^2 |
|(----------) + 2*eV| = 0 = |(REST eM) + 2*eV - (--------------)|
| (n - 1)*rA | | 4*(n - 1) |
= |2*eV + eG| = 0 = |(2*k*{e}*fL*fA*wl/2*pi) + (Na*k*degT*(log @))|
= |2*eV + eG| = 0 = |(<- Alpha RADiATiON ->) + (Gibbs free energy)|
= |3*eV + eM| = 0 = |( 2*eV ) + ( eM + eV )|.
< Magnetic Flux quantum Mq > >>< alt.sci.nanotech > #8 RePOST.
"iNSTANTANEOUS -- GR spatial coordinate-changes".
Potential energy is a classical concept not applicable to
relativity because the potential function depends on spatial
coordinates - change the position of the source of the
potential and instantaneously the potential function changes
implying the force changes instantaneously.
Ass backwards before the cart.
Cart before the horse.
Wavelength wl STOPs changing when GR observer STOPs slowing down.
GR observers simultaneously observe a train speeding along track.
One of 'em instaneously fires a signal at the fixed back antenna.
The BACK transciever instaneously fires a signal to a laser ..on
the FRONT of the train and laser instaneously fires TRACK-mark B.
[Where TRACK-mark A is some Pre-EXiSTiNG TRACK-mark, before 'B'].
Of course, ALL GR observers measure a DiFFERENT distance, A to B.
But, that's so ..ANYway.. for Pre-GR 'Least-Squares-Adjustments'.
[GR "predicts" every WRONG-NUMBER 'Least-Squares-MEASUREMENT'].!!
And the GTR "explains" exactly WHY each gets his WRONG NUMBER].!!
[Finally, no GR-'Least-Squares-Adjustment'; EVERYbody's RiGHT].!!
Twould make a piss-poor CULT aspect if ALL but one was "RiGHT".!!
So, if you can "change -- position -- iNSTANTANEOUSLY" ..WHY not
let GR ALLOW some "potential function" to iNSTANTANEOUSLY, ALSO.
Obviously ..if you can "iNSTANTANEOUSLY -- change the position",
then you are also "implying the force changes, iNSTANTANEOUSLY".
[ORDiNARY 'changes of position" imply ORDiNARY "force changes"].
Your PROBLEM is "iNSTANTANEOUS" GR-"spatial coordinate-changes".
FiNE STRUCTURE variable, a = 4*pi*ao*Roo = (mp - u)/u = (n - 1).
[Where the icon ao is the BOHR radius of the Hydrogen atom H_y].
[Where the icon Roo is the Rydberg constant (Roo equals 1/loo)].
So then, GR changed it's definition REST-mass to "mass-is-mass".
[But ..YET, there isN'T even ANY EQUATABLE mass in GR, to DATE].
Changing the GR-mass definition defied H & L UNiFiCATiON intent.
GR-iNTRiNSiC "mass" is THAT mass it AND it's photon doesN'T HAVE.
$$ >><> Re: Potential energy and relativity autopsy >><> #8 RePOST.
brian a m stuckless
2007-05-14 01:47:56 UTC
$$ Potential energy and relativity autopsy.
If you could read (which I am doubting [*]), you had noticed
that I wrote Lagrangians as a function of A and phi (f in ASCII
console) so early like a post from mine of day 15. Today is 12
of next month!!!
In that early post (that you cannot read because your well-know
disability), I introduced an online reference where you can
learn more details.
I also wrote U (relativistic potential energy in the Lagrangian
[**]) as a function of four potentials and four currents.
The qed lagrangian is L = \psibar(p/ - m)\psi - j.A + (1/4)F^uv F_uv
with j^u = e\psibar\gamma^u\psi [Bilge wrote].
$$ See ..your OWN, item #1 (below), you relativistic Dimwit.

$$ Bilge, in another stunning display of verbal diarrhea.

$$ Bilge doesN'T have any common sense or enough smarts to know
$$ when to cut his losses and stop trying to peddle GR bullshit.

$$ He was never one to let a 'COUNTER-fact' spoil the perfectly
$$ idiotic article he vainly labored over in physical ignorance.

$$ What is flawed is his attitude, ability to reason and even to
$$ understand 'the most basic' physics and fundamental units.

$$ Bilge flounders (even "wallows") in his OWN too-DEEP shit.

$$ GR people like BiLGE are dedicated to playing word games
$$ to promote the GR cracked-pot idea - GR cracked-pots will
$$ always take any explanation and exploit it with semantics
$$ to obfuscate what would have otherwise been clear.

$$ He's a stubborn pea-brain who pops up ..every now and then,
$$ to regurgitate the same BULL he used and had shoved back down
$$ his throat for years.

$$ On a more positive note, reading his posts is probably a
$$ cheap way for anyone who is depressed to realize how much
$$ worse off they could be (with a degree) being THAT stunned.

$$ No suptle way in pointing out just how misguided Bilge is.

$$ Bilge, the mental (unphysical) masturbator, drooled:

|> But you can safely skip a number of sections,
|> in particular the sections on the see-saw mechanism
|> and effective lagrangians.

$$ The SI GUESS LaGrangian = h*fL = m1*nL*c^2 = m1*wl*fL*c.

$$ Re: [BiLGE.wpd] < ***@radioactivex.lebesque-al.net >
$$ -- Kerem Serdar Bilge. [Period: 14oct2005 to 21nov2005].

1. No GR "POTENTiAL-energy". [Bilge]
|> One fundamental difference, however, is that in newtonian
|> mechanics, you have to include interactions by using potential
|> energies whereas in relativity, you must deal directly with
|> the interactions and cannot use potential energies.

|> Actually, no one would ever try to measure the velocity directly.

|> So, yes, other people do check dimensions for [fundamental]
|> consistency, but the point of doing that is [for fundamental]
|> consistency, not because the units are necessarily fundamental.

|> As I previously mentioned, units are important for purposes of
|> turning theoretical physics into measurements we can make with
|> the types of instruments that we can create [..or manufacture].

|> -- "..physics sits between pure mathematics and engineering.."

|> You'll have to excuse me if I would consider your claim under
|> these circumstances to be what is questionable even if I didn't
|> know what it was. My guess is that you would, too, if you had
|> those odds and wanted to place a bet involving a lot of cash.

|> Force is defined from geometrical quantities, so once you give
|> up geometry, you have to use concepts that make sense without
|> geometry. [There's No "FORCE", "mass" or "momentum" in GEOMETRY].

|> Stop stuffing your head up your ass. [Bilge, un-physical dimwit].

|> A pseudorandom number process is like a random process,
|> only different. Do yourself a favor. Invest in a brain.

|> "You're answering a different question that wasn't asked, .."

|> You should try to remember that the crutches used in such
|> derivations are for the benefit of the _reader_, not because
|> any of the crutches are necessary. [--snicker--]

|> Since there is no procedure for constructing a lagrangian,
|> the only means of obtaining one is to use physical intuition
|> to make an intelligent guess. If such a procedure existed,
|> we would have a theory of everything.

|> -- Kerem Serdar Bilge. [There is No GR "POTENTiAL-energy"].

$$ Re: Potential energy and relativity autopsy. [End of POST].