brian a m stuckless
2007-05-08 00:25:11 UTC
#5 HOW alpha emission decreases "lifetime"
= |3*eV + eM| = 0 = |( 2*eV ) + ( eM + eV )|.
$$ Ass backwards before the cart.
$$ ___^__\______/
$$ _____/\/\____O__O_______
$$ Cart before the horse.
$$ Wavelength wl STOPs changing when GR observer STOPs slowing down.
$$ [Wavelength change iNSTANTANEOUS as observer STOPs slowing down].
$$ |Alpha RADiATiON + Gibbs free energy| = 0 = |2*eV + eG|.
eB & eF conjugate at 'FiXED' degreeT and 'CAN be', at Entropy [S].
LaGrangian L = iNTRiNSiC eM - Helmholtz eF = eM - eF
= Stuckless eB - REST eM = eB - eM
= Entropy [S]*degT = [S]*degT
= Enthalpy E - Gibbs eG = E - eG
= Kinetic eK - Maxwell eV = eK - eV
= (m1*v1^2/2)*{(m1/M) + 1} = h*fL
= (h*fL + nA*hbar*fA) / Ni = L.
$$ Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E = LaGrangian L + (REST eM + LaGrange eP)Gibbs FREE triple-point POTENTiAL energy eG
The Gibbs FREE energy POTENTiAL eG remains CONSTANT in a
REVERSABLE, iSOTHERMAL,iSOBARiC process. Gibbs function,
eG = eM + eV ..has the SAME VALUE for ANY two PHASEs of
a substance which are in EQUiLiBRiUM ( fact, for ALL
See, REST-potential eM + KiNETiC-potential eV = Gibbs eG.
Gibbs POTENTiAL energy eG is FREE at equilibrium TRiPLE-POiNT;
[But Stuckless eB & Helmholtz eF are ENTROPY canonical conjugates].The Gibbs FREE energy POTENTiAL eG remains CONSTANT in a
REVERSABLE, iSOTHERMAL,iSOBARiC process. Gibbs function,
eG = eM + eV ..has the SAME VALUE for ANY two PHASEs of
a substance which are in EQUiLiBRiUM ( fact, for ALL
See, REST-potential eM + KiNETiC-potential eV = Gibbs eG.
Gibbs POTENTiAL energy eG is FREE at equilibrium TRiPLE-POiNT;
eB & eF conjugate at 'FiXED' degreeT and 'CAN be', at Entropy [S].
LaGrangian L = iNTRiNSiC eM - Helmholtz eF = eM - eF
= Stuckless eB - REST eM = eB - eM
= Entropy [S]*degT = [S]*degT
= Enthalpy E - Gibbs eG = E - eG
= Kinetic eK - Maxwell eV = eK - eV
= (m1*v1^2/2)*{(m1/M) + 1} = h*fL
= (h*fL + nA*hbar*fA) / Ni = L.
Analytical-UNiT-defined mass h/(wl*c)=m1 isN'T GR-allowed.
NUMBER is mass and h*fL/(nL*c^2) VARiEs with FREQUENCY fL.
So GR changed it's definition REST-mass to "mass-is-mass".
$$ [YET there isN'T even ANY EQUATABLE mass, in GR, to DATE].NUMBER is mass and h*fL/(nL*c^2) VARiEs with FREQUENCY fL.
So GR changed it's definition REST-mass to "mass-is-mass".
[(Hamiltonian ENTHALPY E - KiNETiC eK)/c^2 = 1*m_o -> Kg].
Changing GR-mass definition defied H&L UNiFiCATiON intent.
FiNE variable, alpha a = 4*pi*ao*Roo = (mp - u)/u = (n - 1).[THE GiORGi SI (STANDARD iNTERNaZiONAL) MKSA UNiT SYSTEM].
Changing GR-mass definition defied H&L UNiFiCATiON intent.
= LaGrangian L + (Gibbs FREE energy eG)
= [ [S]*degT + ( eP_H + eP_L )]
= [ h*fL + ( mo*c^2 + nA*hbar*fA )].
Ra Na*h L h*fL 2*Na*Mq eK
ENTROPY [S] = -- = -------- = ---- = ---- = ------- = -------
Ni Ni*{e}*c degT degT Ni*c Ni*degT.
|2*eV + eG| = 0 = |(<- Alpha RADiATiON ->) + (Gibbs free energy)|= [ [S]*degT + ( eP_H + eP_L )]
= [ h*fL + ( mo*c^2 + nA*hbar*fA )].
Ra Na*h L h*fL 2*Na*Mq eK
ENTROPY [S] = -- = -------- = ---- = ---- = ------- = -------
Ni Ni*{e}*c degT degT Ni*c Ni*degT.
< Magnetic Flux quantum Mq > >>< alt.sci.nanotech > #5 RePOST.
"iNSTANTANEOUS -- GR spatial coordinate-changes".
Potential energy is a classical concept not applicable to
relativity because the potential function depends on spatial
coordinates - change the position of the source of the
potential and instantaneously the potential function changes
implying the force changes instantaneously.
"iNSTANTANEOUS -- GR spatial coordinate-changes".
Potential energy is a classical concept not applicable to
relativity because the potential function depends on spatial
coordinates - change the position of the source of the
potential and instantaneously the potential function changes
implying the force changes instantaneously.
$$ ___^__\______/
$$ _____/\/\____O__O_______
$$ Cart before the horse.
$$ Wavelength wl STOPs changing when GR observer STOPs slowing down.
$$ [Wavelength change iNSTANTANEOUS as observer STOPs slowing down].
So, if you can "change -- position -- iNSTANTANEOUSLY" ..WHY not
let GR ALLOW some "potential function" to iNSTANTANEOUSLY, ALSO.
Obviously ..if you can "iNSTANTANEOUSLY -- change the position",
then you are also "implying the force changes, iNSTANTANEOUSLY".
[ORDiNARY 'changes of position" imply ORDiNARY "force changes"].
Your PROBLEM is "iNSTANTANEOUS" GR-"spatial coordinate-changes".
let GR ALLOW some "potential function" to iNSTANTANEOUSLY, ALSO.
Obviously ..if you can "iNSTANTANEOUSLY -- change the position",
then you are also "implying the force changes, iNSTANTANEOUSLY".
[ORDiNARY 'changes of position" imply ORDiNARY "force changes"].
Your PROBLEM is "iNSTANTANEOUS" GR-"spatial coordinate-changes".
<> >><> Re: Potential energy and relativity >><> #5 RePOST.