GPS equation WORKs.!!
(too old to reply)
brian a m stuckless
2006-06-13 09:00:18 UTC
$$ How & why GPS works ..(fixed jUNE 13, 2006).
$$ [ GPS Orders-of-Magnitude-CORRECTED PREset & REset equation ].
$$ (GPS daily REset FACTOR) = (GPS *PREset* FACTOR - VLO REset):
$$ v1^2 3875^2 R*g1 | GPS AMBiENT density vVLO^2 |
$$ = ----- = ------ = ------ = |[-------------------] - (------)|
$$ 2*c^2 2*c^2 2*c^2 | VLO AMBiENT density 2*c^2 |
$$ | R*g1 rVLO*g2 rVLO*g2 |
$$ = |[ (----------) + (-----------) ] - (-------)|
$$ | 2*c^2 2*c^2 2*c^2 |
$$ | Ambient GPS particle COUNT nGPS G*M1 |
$$ = |[-------------------------------] - (---------------------)|
$$ | Ambient VLO particle COUNT nVLO 2*(nVLO - 1)*rVLO*c^2 |
$$ | G*M1 G*M1 7910^2 |
$$ = |[(------------------) + (---------------------)] - (------)|
$$ | 2*(nGPS - 1)*R*c^2 2*(nVLO - 1)*rVLO*c^2 2*c^2 |
$$ | Gibb's energy eG_GPS Gibb's ..eG_VLO eG_VLO |
$$ = |[(--------------------) + (-----------------)] - (--------)|
$$ | 2*m1*c^2 2*m2*c^2 2*m2*c^2 |
$$ | 1.18*10^16/m^***@GPS vVLO^2 | = |[PREgps #] - (REvlo # )|
$$ = |[------------------] - (------)|
$$ | 2.69*10^25/m^***@VLO 2*c^2 | = |4.4*10^-10 - 3.5*10^-10|
$$ | Schwartzchild rS |
$$ = |[(GPS PREset Number, Ngps)] - (----------------)|
$$ | 4*(nVLO - 1)*R |
$$ | GPS ambient COUNT, nGPS Schwartzchild rS |
$$ = |[(-----------------------)] - (----------------)|
$$ | VLO ambient COUNT, nVLO 4*(nVLO - 1)*R |
$$ | G*M1 | | rS |
$$ = |(------------------)| = |(--------------)|
$$ | 2*(nGPS - 1)*R*c^2 | | 4*(nGPS - 1)*R | no typo,
$$ = GUESS iSS, GPS daily REset FACTOR, ..REgps = 8.3*10^-11.

||> [=] ..7.2 microseconds [per] 86164 seconds [/Sideral day].

||> GPS satellites are in circular orbits at 20200 km
||> altitude, or about 26580 km from the center of earth.

$$ v1^2 = G*M1/(n - 1)*R = (6.674*10^-11)*(5.98*10^24)/(26580000)
$$ = (3875 m/sec)^2 -> (meter)^2/(sec)^2 .
$$ vVLO^2 = G*M1/(n - 1)*R = (6.674*10^-11)*(5.98*10^24)/(6378200)
$$ ***@84.3 min (5058 sec) = (7910 m/sec)^2 --> (meter)^2/(sec)^2.

$$ Some CONCLUSiONs & comments.
$$ About GPS delay, Pioneer anomaly and planet precession advance:
$$ (How & Why GPS works):

$$ Note the PREset and REset are SHOWN as if having positive SiGN.
$$ [Also note final STANDARD alotment of *SiGN* is as per (n -1)].
$$ Any mass can be M1 with m2 in LOW orbit @ r2 and m1 @ R, or r1.
$$ You can be on M1, in m1 @ R or in m2 @ r2, ..same GPS equation.

$$ This is MOST about a General Universal COMMUNiCATiONs Equation.
$$ [Relationship between Orbital particle COUNT and signal DELAY].
$$ Subsequently, it's about a GLOBAL POSiTiONiNG SYSTEMs Equation.

$$ [Of course, this can't fully explain the Pioneer Anomaly, which
$$ aside from a Solar System radial DENSiTY GRADiENT like EARth's,
$$ ALSO has MORE amiss with *PEGGED* c instead of PROPER velocity].
$$ GPS GR-"predictions" areN'T. They're Newton's ..due to altitude.

$$ Clearly PROFOUND that Newton and Einstein BOTH left out AMBiENT,
$$ BUT the funniest part is that NObody EVER noticed ..until GUESS.
$$ <snicker>
$$ Finally, note, *NONE* of this has ANYthing to do with GR-Tivity.
$$ [BOTH Einstein AND Newton left *AMBiENT* out of their equations.
$$ Density RATiO, dGPS/dVLO = 4.4*10^-10 = The GPS *PREset* FACTOR
$$ = Density RATiO, (1.18*10^16/m^3 ..dGPS)/(2.69*10^25/m^3 ..dVLO)
$$ = 0.000038 sec/86164 sec = [ GPS PREset ].
$$ M1 proton AMBiENT GRADE, whatever sort, is what buoys electrons.
$$ Finally (about BUOYANCY) radius r NOT velocity v is SiGNiFiCANT.
$$ [Note the GPS equation ABOVE shows the VELOCiTY is an OPTiONAL].

$$ AMBiENT DENSiTY GRADiENTs @ any r EXiST independent of VELOCiTY.
$$ [For SR, GR, even Newton-Tivity, in-vacu BEGiNs ..at SEA-LEVEL].
$$ Corrected 2nd & added 3rd line (following).
$$ PROFOUND indeed, that Newton and Einstein BOTH *missed* AMBiENT.
$$ [There's 3 Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE, between air & water].
$$ [There's 25 Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE between air & vacum].
$$ How many Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE between air & Dirac Sea?

$$ Note the Dirac Sea photon is delta REST mass ..being transfered.
$$ ABSORBED mass=h*fL/c^2=delta REST mass m1={E - delta eK}/c^2.
$$ Which actually, equals { E - (delta LaGrangian L) - eV }/c^2.
$$ Or alternatively, equals {E - LaGrangian L - (delta eV)}/c^2.
$$ Sincerely, ```Brian A M Stuckless.

Re: How & Why the GPS equation WORKs.!! [Order-of-Magnitude fixed].
Re: GPS PREset & REset equation ..CORRECTED [6:AM] ; jUNE 13, 2006.
Re: How & Why GPS & Pioneer anomaly works. [RE-]edited duh, RePOST.
brian a m stuckless
2006-06-13 11:43:44 UTC
$$ How & why GPS works (..fixed *AGAiN* @ 8:AM; jUNE 13, 2006).
*** [*CORRECTED* ambient GPS & VLO particle COUNT icon, pGPS.] **
*** [i.e. *REMOVED* all REDUNDANT nGPS & nVLO icons.] ***
$$ (GPS daily REset FACTOR) = (GPS *PREset* FACTOR - VLO REset):
$$ v1^2 3875^2 R*g1 | GPS AMBiENT density vVLO^2 |
$$ = ----- = ------ = ------ = |[-------------------] - (------)|
$$ 2*c^2 2*c^2 2*c^2 | VLO AMBiENT density 2*c^2 |
$$ | R*g1 rVLO*g2 rVLO*g2 |
$$ = |[ (----------) + (-----------) ] - (-------)|
$$ | 2*c^2 2*c^2 2*c^2 |
$$ | Ambient GPS particle COUNT pGPS G*M1 |
$$ = |[-------------------------------] - (---------------------)|
$$ | Ambient VLO particle COUNT pVLO 2*(nVLO - 1)*rVLO*c^2 |
$$ | G*M1 G*M1 7910^2 |
$$ = |[(------------------) + (---------------------)] - (------)|
$$ | 2*(nGPS - 1)*R*c^2 2*(nVLO - 1)*rVLO*c^2 2*c^2 |
$$ | Gibb's energy eG_GPS Gibb's ..eG_VLO eG_VLO |
$$ = |[(--------------------) + (-----------------)] - (--------)|
$$ | 2*m1*c^2 2*m2*c^2 2*m2*c^2 |
$$ | 1.18*10^16/m^***@GPS vVLO^2 | = |[PREgps #] - (REvlo # )|
$$ = |[------------------] - (------)| = | Ngps - LOW REset |
$$ | 2.69*10^25/m^***@VLO 2*c^2 | = |4.4*10^-10 - 3.5*10^-10|
$$ | Schwartzchild rS |
$$ = |[(GPS PREset Number, Ngps)] - (----------------)|
$$ | 4*(nVLO - 1)*R |
$$ | GPS ambient COUNT, pGPS Schwartzchild rS |
$$ = |[(-----------------------)] - (----------------)|
$$ | VLO ambient COUNT, pVLO 4*(nVLO - 1)*R |
$$ | G*M1 | | rS |
$$ = |(------------------)| = |(--------------)|
$$ | 2*(nGPS - 1)*R*c^2 | | 4*(nGPS - 1)*R | no typos,
$$ = GUESS iSS, GPS daily REset FACTOR, ..REgps = 8.3*10^-11.

||> [=] ..7.2 microseconds [per] 86164 seconds [/Sideral day].

||> GPS satellites are in circular orbits at 20200 km
||> altitude, or about 26580 km from the center of earth.

$$ v1^2 = G*M1/(n - 1)*R = (6.674*10^-11)*(5.98*10^24)/(26580000)
$$ = (3875 m/sec)^2 -> (meter)^2/(sec)^2 .
$$ vVLO^2 = G*M1/(n - 1)*R = (6.674*10^-11)*(5.98*10^24)/(6378200)
$$ ***@84.3 min (5058 sec) = (7910 m/sec)^2 --> (meter)^2/(sec)^2.

$$ Some CONCLUSiONs & comments.
$$ About GPS delay, Pioneer anomaly and planet precession advance:
$$ (How & Why GPS works):

$$ Note the PREset and REset are SHOWN as if having positive SiGN.
$$ [Also note final STANDARD alotment of *SiGN* is as per (n -1)].
$$ Any mass can be M1 with m2 in LOW orbit @ r2 and m1 @ R, or r1.
$$ You can be on M1, in m1 @ R or in m2 @ r2, ..same GPS equation.

$$ This is MOST about a General Universal COMMUNiCATiONs Equation.
$$ [Relationship between Orbital particle COUNT and signal DELAY].
$$ Subsequently, it's about a GLOBAL POSiTiONiNG SYSTEMs Equation.

$$ Of course, this can't fully explain the Pioneer Anomaly, which
$$ aside from a Solar System radial DENSiTY GRADiENT like EARth's
$$ ALSO has MORE amiss with *PEGGED* c ..instead of AVERAGE speed.
$$ GPS GR-"predictions" areN'T. They're Newton's, due to altitude.

$$ Clearly PROFOUND that Newton & Einstein BOTH *left out* AMBiENT
$$ BUT the funniest part is that NObody EVER noticed, until GUESS.
$$ <brushes off lapels>
$$ Finally, note, *NONE* of this has ANYthing to do with GR-Tivity.
$$ [BOTH Einstein AND Newton left *AMBiENT* out of their equation].
$$ Density RATiO, dGPS/dVLO = 4.4*10^-10 = The GPS *PREset* FACTOR
$$ = Density RATiO, (1.18*10^16/m^3 ..dGPS)/(2.69*10^25/m^3 ..dVLO)
$$ = 0.000038 sec/86164 sec = [ GPS PREset ].
$$ M1 proton AMBiENT GRADE, whatever sort, is what buoys electrons.
$$ Finally about BUOYANCY ..radius r NOT velocity v is SiGNiFiCANT.
$$ [Note the GPS equation ABOVE shows the VELOCiTY is an OPTiONAL].

$$ AMBiENT DENSiTY GRADiENTs @ any r EXiST independent of VELOCiTY.
$$ [For SR, GR, even Newton-Tivity, in-vacu BEGiNs ..at SEA-LEVEL].

$$ PROFOUND indeed, that Newton and Einstein BOTH *missed* AMBiENT.
$$ There is 25 Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE between air & vacuum.
$$ [There's 3 Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE, between air & water].
$$ How many Orders-of-Magnitude DiFFERENCE between air & Dirac Sea?

$$ NOTE the Dirac Sea photon is delta REST mass ..being transfered.
$$ ABSORBED mass=h*fL/c^2=delta REST mass m = {E - delta eK}/c^2.
$$ Which ..actually equals, {E - (delta LaGrangian L) - eV }/c^2.
$$ Or, alternatively equals, {E - LaGrangian L - (delta eV)}/c^2.

$$ Sincerely, ```Brian A M Stuckless, Ph.T ( Tivity ) @ NEWfieLAND.

Re: GPS equation WORKs.!! [FiXED particle COUNT pGPS & pVLO icons].
Re: GPS PREset & REset equation FiXED *AGAiN* [8:AM]; jUNE 13/2006.
Re: How & Why GPS & Pioneer anomaly works. [FiXED-typo-ed] RePOST.